Zeelandia Lithuania
uses 100%
green electricity.
The roof of our margarine factory in Lithuania is now fully covered with solar panels and so we have been able to produce our margarine using 100% green electricity since 1st August.
Within Zeelandia we are actively exploring how to extend this best practice to our other factories around the world. An important step in our ambition is to work toward being 100% climate neutral.
Zeelandia Lithuania produces approximately 5,000 tons of margarine per year. Changing to 100% green electricity saves 120.000 kg of CO2 emissions per year, the equivalent of 3,600 trees per year.
Darius Laivys, managing director Zeelandia Lithuania: “With the solar panels we have installed, we have been able to produce 25% of the energy we need ourselves. Unfortunately, we just didn’t have more room available on our premises to generate more in this way, but our ambition was always to reach 100%.
Therefore, to achieve this goal, we recently agreed on a new contract with the State Electricity Supply company. They are providing us with electricity that is green and renewable and produced in Lithuania. This has provided us with the 75% that we needed and so as of 1st August, we are using 100% green electricity.
With this combination of solar panels and green electricity from the state supply company, we are the first factory on the planet using 100% renewable electricity to produce margarine.”